cloud in bedford

Cloud Software

At Simas Accounting & Tax, we believe that cloud accounting packages are a major game changer, and one which should be considered by all businesses.


Cloud technology is revolutionary, in that it above all means that you can have access to your accounting records from anywhere in the world.

It therefore allows you and your advisers (such as ourselves) to access your data in real time, therefore allowing you to make fully informed decisions, and for us to provide timely advice, based on the most up to date data.

The Cloud uses Modern Technology

Cloud products have been designed with modern technology in mind, and current practices that exist.

The software is web based, and is backed up by the service providers.

The service providers also update the software themselves, and so therefore you do not have any downtime yourself – the updates happen seamlessly and do not stop you from working.

Ease of bookkeeping

The software also uses the most modern of technology.

For example, the software has “live bank feeds”, which removes the need to manually enter bank transactions to the software.  You merely have to tell the software as to what the transaction relates to the first time, and from thereon it will learn your transactions for the future.  Moreover, it will become largely automatic as time goes on, with you just confirming the transactions rather than inputting them.


The software is generally “open software” which akin to the Apps model Apple uses.

Anyone can create Apps, which seamlessly link to the cloud software. This means that there are an ever increasing number of Apps on the market which can link into the software.

Need time-sheets?  No problem.  Need stock management?  No problem.  Need to automate the input of purchase invoices through just taking a photo or scanning the invoice? No problem.  The list of options and possibilities are endless!

Which is best for you?

There are many solutions out there for businesses – at many different prices – and there is not a “one size fits all” answer as to which is the best for you. And cloud solutions are not necessarily the best solutions to all clients.

At Simas Accounting & Tax, we will discuss with you your needs and requirements, and provide you with balanced recommendations as to the best products to suit your needs, whether it be through Xero, Quickbooks Online, FreeAgent, Kashflow or other providers.

Setting up and training

We will assist you in then setting up the software, and provide you with the training to become competent in its use.

If you are an existing business, we will assist you in transferring the data you have in existing software. This therefore ensures that the integrity of your reports, and comparisons, are there for you.

Cloud software is paid for as a monthly subscription.

At Simas Accounting & Tax, we offer clients the choice of including the set-up, support and assistance as part of their monthly payment. Alternatively, to keep the ongoing costs lower, you can pay as you go for the initial services.

Please contact us to discuss how we can help you with Cloud technology.