Saving money
Going Digital – Need For Speed.
3rd November 2023By Helen Tomlinson
Going paperless, using cloud accounting software and online payroll systems are becoming more and more common.
Also posted in Cloud software, Increase profits, News Tagged cloud, digital, efficiencies, online, paperless, speedMaintaining Resilience Within Your Business
9th June 2023With the present economic uncertainty, managing your business’s cash and understanding the flow are now vital tools in maintaining resilience and being able to adopt flexible strategies for success.
Also posted in Accountancy, Cloud software, Financing, Increase profits, KashFlow, News Tagged accountancy, accountancy in Bedford, accountants, Accountants in Bedford, budgeting, Business advice in Bedford, business growth, cash flow, finance, investing, planningSave Time and Win Back Your Evenings
9th May 2023We can help you to save time and win back your evenings and weekends. Work smarter rather than longer.
Also posted in Increase profits, News Tagged accounting, automate, bedford accountant, business, business advice, Efficient, save time, timeNew Year New Finance
29th January 2020We’ve come up with Five financial resolutions that’ll help you get the new year off to a flying start…
If your finances have got into a bit of a tangle, why not make 2020 the year to sort them out?
To give you a helping hand, here are five financial New Year’s resolutions that will change your life for the better.
Growing Your Business – A Team Game
25th July 2019Growing your business is a team game. Your accountant is a key part of that team and should be helping you to grow your business. Accurate financial statements and tax returns are both important, but they only tell a story of your business as it was – not where it could be going.
Also posted in Accountancy, Increase profits, News Tagged business growth, data, growth, KPIsHave you experienced cash flow problems?
1st March 2019There are several reasons why businesses experience cash flow problems. For the SME sector the most common is late payment. This can then lead to a successful business being unable to pay their creditors on time. Luckily, Xero have come to our rescue with a lovely piece of software.
Also posted in Accountancy, Cloud software, News, Xero Tagged accountant, bedford, business advice, cash flow, cloud, online billing, online invoicing, SME, stripe, XeroThe Benefits Of Hiring An Apprentice.
17th September 2018Apprentices can allow you to grown your own, well trained, employees of the future. The National Apprenticeship Service reported that employers with established apprenticeship programmes see an improvement in productivity and in the quality of their product or service.
Also posted in Accountancy, BreatheHR, Increase profits, News Tagged accountancy, accountant, apprentice, apprenticeships, growthMaking Tax Digital – What You Need To Know
31st July 2018Essentially, MTD is about helping businesses to spend less time working on their finances whilst simultaneously ensuring that your finances are more accurate and up to date. Read our blog to discover the four main benefits of MTD, and what it means for your business.
Also posted in Accountancy, BreatheHR, Cloud software, Exact, FreeAgent, Increase profits, KashFlow, Making Tax Digital, Marketing, News, QuickBooks Online, Reckon One, Reviso, Taxation, Xero Tagged accountancy, accountancy services, accountant, bedford, Making Tax Digital, MTD, MTD ready, taxPersonal Brand – Building An Effective One
20th July 2018The hardest part of developing your personal brand is thinking about it. Once you have figured out what your business is, and how you can demonstrate it, you will be on the right track. Start today by reading our blog and considering what your personal brand looks like.
Also posted in BreatheHR, Increase profits, Marketing, News Tagged accountant, brand, branding, business, communication, company, first impressions, perception, personal brand, staffBeing Fuel Efficient Will Save Money.
22nd June 2018With petrol prices on the rise again, Simas Accounting & Tax offer advice on how to minimise the costs and maximise your tax relief.
An essential read for all small businesses wanting to save money.