News from Simas Accounting & Tax

Autumn Statement 2023
By Helen Tomlinson
On 22 November 2023, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt presented his Autumn Statement to Parliament and started making, in his words, the long-term decisions necessary to strengthen the economy and build a brighter future. Fueled by falling inflation and stabilised public finances, focus is now being applied to reducing debt, cutting tax and rewarding hard work.
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Going Digital – Need For Speed.
By Helen Tomlinson
Going paperless, using cloud accounting software and online payroll systems are becoming more and more common.
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The Autumn Statement
By Helen Tomlinson
The forecasts, called the Economic and fiscal outlook (EFO) are published twice yearly, at Budget and at Autumn Statement. They look at the future performance of the UK economy. During his Autumn Statement the Chancellor updates MPs on the government’s taxation and spending plans.
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Changing to a Sole Trade?
By Julia MacKenzie
With an ever changing business landscape, is 2023 the year to evolve and change to a sole trade model?
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Maintaining Resilience Within Your Business
With the present economic uncertainty, managing your business’s cash and understanding the flow are now vital tools in maintaining resilience and being able to adopt flexible strategies for success.
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Can Artificial Intelligence Work For Your Business?
With the new wave of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, there’s an opportunity to automate many routine or administrative tasks and improve the overall efficiency of your business.
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Save Time and Win Back Your Evenings
We can help you to save time and win back your evenings and weekends. Work smarter rather than longer.
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Funding For Farmers in February
From 7 February farmers and land managers can submit new applications for the Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier, rewarding them for their actions to protect and improve their natural environment.
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Super Deduction
Businesses will now benefit from a new capital allowance ‘super-deduction’ and first year allowance.
The hope is that these will provide companies with a stronger incentive to make qualifying investments and bring forward planned investments for future years.

Scammers Pretending To Be HMRC
Did you know that scammers are now using number spoofing to make your phone display ‘HMRC’ as the sender, instead of a phone number?
Phishing emails are now looking much more official by using the name of a genuine HMRC employee.