Sole Trader or a Limited Company?
26th April 2022Written by Helen Tomlinson
Decisions, decisions.
At Simas we look at your individual circumstances, goals and aspirations. Our client centred approach means you will get the best advice for you.
How To Get Paid Quicker
23rd August 2021Written By Helen Tomlinson
In response to a few client queries about sending invoices and using online payment systems like Go Cardless.
Simas explore potential solutions to your invoicing quandaries, and how to get paid quicker by using software within Xero.
Apprenticeships – Are They Worth It?
2nd August 2021Written by Tomas Martin
They require time, investment and dedication . Can you afford these things? Can you afford not to? The benefits of having an apprentice are quickly outweighing the drawbacks.
Also posted in News Tagged accountancy apprenticeships, apprentice, apprenticeship, apprenticeships, apprenticeships in Bedford, college, MK College apprenticeships, trainingHow Cash Flow Software Has Proved So Vital.
17th May 2021It is now more important than ever to understand what your cash flow is and how to calculate it. Cash flow is a crucial health check for your business.
Also posted in News Tagged bank, cash flow, debtors, money, profit, Xero, Xero partners in BedfordIR35 Tax Changes
20th April 2021IR35 was introduced by HMRC in 1999 to make sure everyone is paying the correct amount of tax. The key […]
Also posted in Income Tax, News, Taxation Tagged Accountants in Bedford, disguised employee, employee, Employment, employment status, inland revenue, IR35, national insurance, NI, tax, umbrella companyDomestic Reverse Charge For VAT
22nd March 2021The Domestic Reverse Charge (DRC) is a new way of accounting for VAT for builders and others caught under the […]
Also posted in Cloud software, News, QuickBooks Online, Taxation, Xero Tagged Accountants in Bedford, builders, construction, contractor, domestic reverse charge, DRC, end user, Quickbooks Online, tax, taxation, VAT, XeroGoals For 2021
18th January 2021Setting goals for 2021, a year that seems so uncertain may, at first glance seem futile. In a sense all […]
Also posted in BreatheHR, Increase profits, News Tagged Accountants in Bedford, Business advice in Bedford, cash flow in Bedford, goal setting, goals, new year, resolution, tax advice in BedfordA Tax Efficient Virtual Christmas Do
14th December 2020A smorgasboard of new phrases have bounced into our everday conversations this year – including virtual Christmas do. As we […]
Also posted in Taxation Tagged christmas, covid christmas, exemption, HMRC, party, tax, virtual christmas do, virtual partyIs Your Business Ready For Brexit?
7th December 2020Many businesses need to make sure they are ready for Brexit on January 1st .
Changes are happening with regards to importing and exporting with potential disruptions to supply chains.
Some fear the biggest backlog will be due to new paperwork/untested IT systems.
Business Bounce Back Loan Scheme Extended!
12th November 2020With announcements being made about top up payments and bounce back loan extensions, it can all start to feel like a bit of a minefield.
Simas will help you and your team to navigate through this minefield and outline what has been laid out.